Course Category: Project Management

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Academy Europe Project Management Courses

Scrum Fundementals

Scrum Fundementals

Scrum is an efficient framework within which you can develop software with teamwork. It is based on agile principles. This tutorial will help you understand agile development in general and Scrum in specific. You will get familiar with its associated terminology along with appropriate examples. This tutorial is prepared for…
Excel Data Analysis

Excel Data Analysis

Excel Data Analysis Course is based on textbook learning material by Academy Europe. Dear Students, The textbook courses by Academy Europe are targeted at providing the students with the most important aspects of the theoretical and methodical materials. In addition, the textbook courses will also focus on the philosophical background…

Extreme Project Management

Extreme project management (XPM) refers to a method of managing very complex and very uncertain projects. Extreme project management differs from traditional project management mainly in its open, elastic and undeterministic approach. The main focus of XPM is on the human side of project management (e.g. managing project stakeholders), rather than on intricate scheduling techniques and heavy formalism. Extreme project management…

Event Chain Methodology

Event chain methodology is a network analysis technique that is focused on identifying and managing events and relationship between them (event chains) that affect project schedules. It is an uncertainty modeling schedule technique. Event chain methodology is an extension of quantitative project risk analysis with Monte Carlo simulations. It is the next advance beyond critical…

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)

Enterprise resource planning (ERP) is a process used by companies to manage and integrate the important parts of their businesses. Many ERP software applications are important to companies because they help them implement resource planning by integrating all of the processes needed to run their companies with a single system.…

The Balanced Scorecard

Think of the balanced scorecard as the dials and indicators in an airplane cockpit. For the complex task of navigating and flying an airplane, pilots need detailed information about many aspects of the flight. They need information on fuel, air speed, altitude, bearing, destination, and other indicators that summarize the…

Design of Experiments

The design of experiments (DOE, DOX, or experimental design) is the design of any task that aims to describe and explain the variation of information under conditions that are hypothesized to reflect the variation. The term is generally associated with experiments in which the design introduces conditions that directly affect the variation, but may also refer…

The Halo Effect

The halo effect is a type of cognitive bias in which our overall impression of a person influences how we feel and think about their character. Essentially, your overall impression of a person (“He is nice!”) impacts your evaluations of that person’s specific traits Certification Academy Europe presents high-quality formal diplomas,…

Decision Making Process

The business decision-making process is a step-by-step process allowing professionals to solve problems by weighing evidence, examining alternatives, and choosing a path from there. This defined process also provides an opportunity, at the end, to review whether the decision was the right one. Certification Academy Europe presents high-quality formal diplomas,…