Course Category: Project Management

Showing 28-30 of 30 results

Earned Value Management (EVM)

Earned Value Management (EVM) is a technique that is used to track the progress and status of a project and forecast its likely future performance. This is a brief tutorial by Academy Europe that acquaints the reader with the basics of EVM and explains how to utilize it for…

Business Analyst

A business analyst is someone who analyzes information and investigates the goals and issues of a company. They advise organizations on how to improve their efficiency and finances. They are responsible for figuring out the actual needs of the company, not simply the stakeholder’s expressed wishes. They will communicate with a wide variety…

Project Management

Project management methodology is a series of different processes designed to assist managers to accomplish definite goal by carefully organizing, controlling and executing the project. In this tutorial, you will learn various techniques to complete your project successfully. What should I know? This course is designed for fresh project managers…