Course Category: Religion

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Academy Europe Religion Courses


Basilica of Bom Jesus Church Monument

Basilica of Bom Jesus Church has the grave of Saint Francis Xavier. The church is located in Old Goa which was under Portuguese rule. The construction was started in 1594 and ended in 1605. The church is considered as one of the oldest in Goa and India. The church was…

Bandel Church Monument

Bandel Church, also known as Basilica of the Holy Rosary Church, is one of the oldest churches in India. The church was built to commemorate the settlement of Portuguese in West Bengal. The church was constructed in 1599 and was dedicated to Mary, mother of Jesus Christ. The church also…

Adhai din ka Jhonpra History

Adhai din ka Jhonpra is a mosque in Ajmer which is said to be built in two and a half days. This monument was built after Mohammad Ghori defeated Prithvi Raj Chauhan III. It is said that previously a Sanskrit college existed there and the monument was constructed on its…